Energy Efficiency Tips For Your HVAC System

Improving energy efficiency at home, especially in systems which run for hours, such as HVAC systems, is crucial as it can help lower energy bills. Unfortunately, some property owners have gotten some facts wrong. To clarify on any confusing issues, here are energy efficiency tips which can help improve the efficiency of your cooling system

a) Use a Programmable Thermostat

It is true that switching off your HVAC system when nobody is at home can help reduce energy consumption. In addition to being inconvenient, manually switching off the HVAC system can also make your home uncomfortable for a few minutes since the HVAC system will take time to condition the room. Ideally, you should install a programmable thermostat, to turn the system completely off when you leave and turn it back on before you get back home. The controller can also be programmed to change temperature settings at night when you’re sleeping.

b) Service your System on a Regular Basis

Regular cleaning, lubrication and replacement of worn out parts, such as clogged air filters is recommended if you would like to improve the efficiency of your HVAC system. Ideally, you should have your unit checked by a professional at least once a year. The refrigerant can be recharged and dirty coils cleaned during the maintenance check up.

c) Use Ceiling Fans to Create Draft

The reason you may feel hot in a room with no air conditioning is because heat lost by the body stays just above the skin, thereby making you feel much hotter than the actual environmental temperature. Ceiling fans can help move air around the room thereby displacing warm air above your skin, leaving it cooler.

d) Close Drapes and Curtains During Hot Summer Days

Sunlight contains a lot of heat energy, which you do not want to let in when environmental temperatures are high. Ideally, you should close window treatments to block out direct sunlight from entering the room. This will allow the AC to work more efficiently.

You can also set your AC a few degrees higher to save energy – it won’t kill you. Follow us for more articles that your HVAC systems running comfortable and efficiently.

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