The Benefits of ENERGY STAR®-Rated HVAC Units
When it’s time to replace or repair a piece of HVAC equipment, like an air conditioning unit, a heat pump, or some other piece of equipment, make it a point to choose replacements that bear the ENERGY STAR® certification. Here’s an overview of what ENERGY STAR®-certified replacements can do for you.
ENERGY STAR is a voluntary certification program initiated by the Environmental Protection Agency as a way for consumers to identify environmentally friendly, energy-efficient products right at the point of purchase, all without requiring knowledge of technical specifications. ENERGY STAR was initially applied to computers and other related products when it was first introduced in 1992, and has since increased to include every product that consumes energy, or affects its consumption.
The Benefits of ENERGY STAR-Certified HVAC Systems
Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems take up a significant portion of a residential or commercial property’s monthly energy consumption, so energy-efficient replacement units are the ideal choice. Before ENERGY STAR, you’d have to be well-versed in reading spec sheets and other technical data before you can choose the replacement units that can help you save on energy costs.
An ENERGY STAR certification lets buyers know that they are getting energy-efficient units right at the showroom without having to know technical details beforehand or spend a lot of time doing research. If you do need exact specifications, ENERGY STAR has a handy online database that you can use.
ENERGY STAR-certified HVAC units can help you gain substantial energy savings with your monthly energy costs, especially when combined with a well-insulated roof and exterior wall. They can certainly help with your home’s upkeep for much longer than non-certified units would have.
Energy-Efficient HVAC With Cardinal Heating and A/C Inc.
To get the most of your HVAC units, have it installed, maintained, and repaired by heating and air conditioning experts. To learn more about our services, call Cardinal Heating and A/C Inc. today at [phone_number] or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.